Pastoral Thoughts by Pastor Chuck:
Easter Sunday was a great celebration of the resurrection. I want to thank all of those who made it possible. The Easter story is central to our faith. St. Paul believed if there was no resurrection we who call ourselves Christians are the greatest of fools. In fact, he went as far as saying if you believe Jesus was crucified, and raised from the dead, you will be saved. Celebrating the resurrection is central to our faith. If you have doubts about the resurrection you are still welcome in our church, but I would classify you as a seeker not as a believer. We welcome and, in fact, encourage seekers. We all need to pray and support seekers. Over the past few weeks we have been teaching our children and youth the stories that led up to the crucifixion, and resurrection. Many of them do not know or have forgotten the story. It is our responsibility as a Christian faith community to teach such basics to our faith. Next fall I plan to teach a confirmation class. This class will be designed for the middle school students who have not yet taken it, but often, adults join the class who feel they need such a class, or would like a refresher. We will start the class in September. If you have a student you want in the class, or you would like to join the class, please, contact me at 921-9863. Discipling or helping each other grow in our understanding of the faith is an important duty of the church. We do it through worship, Bible study, confirmation, and in a variety of other ways. We disciple each other as we witness the faith through missions, witnessing, and how we live on a daily basis. It is not an overstatement to say that people outside the church are watching. Are we too judgmental to be hospitable to all? One of the best things you can do for your church is to invite someone to “come and see.” Most people outside the church come because of an invitation. Do you know someone not currently attending any church? You should invite them. If they do not come that’s their business. Our business is the invitiation. One final thought. I pray you have the best summer ever. AN OPEN INVITATION: The Federated Community Church invites you to join them in the Sunday 6:32 PM service this Sunday for a Spirit-filled “Laugh-in.” We will sing fun camp and children’s songs, tell humerus stories and jokes [only those we can tell in the sanctuary] followed by a pot-luck desert. Come and join us, bring a story or two, and a desert to share. No joke! You are invited.
AuthorPastor Paul Archives
September 2022
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